65th Reunion: Monday, May 27 - Thursday, May 30, 2019
Come home to campus to reconnect with the Class of '54!
Reunion registration will open in Spring 2019. In advance of registration, information will be posted here about attending the reunion. For any questions, please call the Harvard College Alumni Programs Office at 617-496-7001 or email 65thReunion_HAA@Harvard.edu. An HAA representative will be available to assist you.
We recently learned that a final mailing requesting participation in the 65th Report did not arrive in mailboxes until a day or two before the December 14 deadline, leaving scant time to complete and return the enclosed biographical questionnaire. We apologize, and are extending the participation deadline to January 25, 2019. If you have not yet submitted your Class Report entry, please fill out and return the questionnaire in the envelope provided, or participate at the Class Report website: harvard54.reuniontechnologies.com.
For technophobes who might be experiencing difficulty accessing the website and obtaining a HarvardKey ID, please click here for an emailable version of the questionnaire, no login necessary—just fill out on-screen whatever you’d like to submit to the Report, and click Send.
We look forward to reading your entry in the Report and to seeing you at our 65th Reunion, May 27–30, 2019.
John Bethell
Class Secretary and Report Chair